
Delicious ideas for no-bake desserts with walnut drink

22 March 2021

These three ideas for tasty, healthy desserts with walnut drink will go down a treat with anyone who isn’t a great fan of baking. Just follow these simple steps!

Crêpes, mon amour”
This scrumptious French recipe never fails to impress. Especially if you give it your own twist by using walnut drink instead of milk and swapping flour for chickpea, spelt or any other kind of flour you like. Fill the crêpes with seasonal fruit and chopped nuts.

Chocolate ice cream
We’re yet to meet anyone who doesn’t like chocolate or ice cream. So what better than some homemade ice cream with walnut drink and dark chocolate, served with a mint leaf and walnut topping?

A heavenly smoothie!
There’s nothing that thrills all the senses more than a colourful smoothie served in a transparent glass. Let your imagination run wild: mix walnut drink with your favourite seasonal fruit and, if you’re feeling peckish, a wholemeal biscuit. An utterly irresistible, low-calorie dessert.

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