Do you know how many things you can do with a glass of walnut drink? Here are a few ideas:
- Make porridge: gently boil some rolled oats in walnut drink until you get the desired texture. Serve in a bowl and top off with whatever takes your fancy: red berries, cinnamon, biscuits, chocolate, walnuts, almonds, seeds…
- If you’re not that hungry first thing in the morning, but need an energy boost, grab some walnut drink, banana, strawberries, mint leaves and a handful of nuts and give it all a whiz in the blender!
- Let’s hear it for herbal teas! How about ginger and orange with a dash of walnut drink? A delicious energy boost that works wonders for your digestion.
- Pancakes… with walnut drink! Quick and easy. Top off with a drizzling of honey or melted chocolate, or maybe ham, cheese, salmon, avocado…
- A glass of walnut drink and a teaspoonful of maca (you’ve heard of this amazing plant, haven’t you?) and you’re ready to take on the world!