Pasta is the unbeatable go-to option when you’re feeling hungry but don’t plan to be slaving over a hot stove for hours. So here are three easy, healthy and tasty vegan pasta recipes. Make sure you’ve got some extra-virgin olive oil to hand: you’ll need it. Try out these dishes for yourself and let us know how you got on!
Vegan carbonara: with some tofu, olive oil and plant-based drink and a handful of walnuts you can make an irresistible vegan carbonara.
Vegan Bolognese: swap mince for cooked lentils and you’ve got a delicious Italian Bolognese sauce. The secret lies in the garlic and onion sofrito with extra-virgin olive oil. And don’t forget the tomato sauce!
Vegan Alfredo: sauté some chopped cauliflower and sliced garlic with a little extra-virgin olive oil. Throw in a handful of cashew nuts, together with some almond drink and nutritional yeast and leave for 20 minutes. Then add a dash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper and give it a whizz in the blender. Enjoy!