‘- Preheat the oven to 230 ºC.
– Boil 4 litres of water in a large pan. Add one spoonful of salt and add all the pasta at once. Stir well.
– Heat the butter and cream (or pour two spoonfuls of olive oil) in a frying pan on a low heat. Stir until the butter melts and add all the cheeses except for 2 spoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese. Mix together until the cheeses form a creamy mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Take off the heat and put to one side.
– When the pasta is al dente, strain and pour into a large bowl. Mix thoroughly with the sauce.
– Spoon into individual ovenproof dishes or one dish large enough to ensure the layer of pasta is less than 4 cm thick.
– Sprinkle the remaining grated Parmesan cheese on top and bake for 10–15 min until golden brown.
– Take out of the oven, leave for 5 min and serve.
Penne with 4 cheeses

- * 500 g penne
- 120 ml full-fat cream
- 40 g butter (*)
- 125 g grated Fontina cheese
- 60 g crumbly Gorgonzola cheese
- 60 g crumbly Roquefort cheese
- 60 g Mascarpone cheese
- 6 spoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese
- salt
- freshly ground pepper
- (*) traditional recipe includes butter, but if you use extra virgin olive oil instead (it will give you a different taste and consistency, besides being healthier), add two spoonfuls.
Step by step
Step 1
Pasta and cheese make the perfect couple. So this recipe includes four cheeses for good measure. And we’ll show you how to make this perfect match even better by finishing it off in the oven. If these particular cheeses ‘non ti piacciono’, you can replace them with any others you fancy!