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Quick and easy ways to eat well… with Borges olive oil

6 March 2019

A splash of Borges olive oil falling on a salad

Did you know that there’s a product that can liven up any dish? Borges olive oil! Here are some ways how.

* Add a dash to your favourite vegetables. It gives carrots and potatoes a lovely taste!

* Craving for pasta? Simply add a dash of extra-virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and pepper and some grated Parmesan and you’ve got a mouthwatering dish in ten minutes.

* Rescue the vegetables you’ve got in your fridge and sauté them with a dash of olive oil. Mushrooms? Herbs and spices? It’s starting to sound tasty…

* Are you a fan of green smoothies? You’ll love them even more with a dash of extra-virgin olive oil.

* Wave goodbye to traditional sandwiches and say hello to gourmet sandwiches: a few slices of fresh tomato, rocket, hummus, avocado, ricotta, salmon, chicken breast… and any other ingredients you fancy. Top it off with a dash of extra-virgin olive oil and you’re in for a treat.

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