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A healthy breakfast with less than 100 calories

21 May 2020

Omelette with spinachs, a healty breakfast with less than 100 calories

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it provides the fuel needed to get through the day in full swing. But that doesn’t mean overdoing it with calories, especially if we watch our diet. A good option is to have an egg-white omelette with spinach for breakfast; just the whites, without the yolks, to control the amount of calories. Once beaten, put them in the pan and then add the spinach. Do you want more flavor? Top it off with ground onion.

You can combine this dish with a small glass of walnut drink, 100% vegetable, low in fat and with the nutritional benefits of walnuts (antioxidants, omega 3, folic acid and magnesium), which take care of cardiovascular health. Lactose intolerant and vegans love it!

And if you can’t live without a touch of chocolate in your life, add a teaspoon of pure cocoa to your walnut drink and you’ll get a gourmet breakfast to boot.

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