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Authentic fondue bourguignonne with three homemade sauces

60 min


60 persons




5 / 5 (2 votes)


Borges - grapeseed oil fondue


  • 500 g (18 oz) beef (ribeye or tenderloin)
  • 700 ml (24 US fl oz) grapeseed oil
  • 1 potato
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • For the sauces:
  • Fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic, sugar, honey, soya sauce, paprika, tabasco, low-fat natural yogurt, lemon, fresh mint, red peppers for roasting, eggs and extra-virgin olive oil.

Step by step

  1. Step 1

    Before preparing the meat and the fondue (which you should always leave to last), start with the sauces.

    Homemade barbecue sauce
    You’ll need peeled fresh tomatoes, spring onion, garlic, salt and a little sugar to reduce the acidity from the tomatoes. Lightly fry all the ingredients in grapeseed oil and blend to produce a thick sauce. Then, for every four spoonfuls of sauce, add one of honey, half of soya sauce, a pinch of paprika and a few drops of tabasco.

    Yogurt and mint sauce
    Add a dash of extra-virgin olive oil, a dash of lemon, salt, black pepper and finely chopped fresh mint to a low-fat natural yogurt.

    Red pepper mayonnaise
    Roast a red pepper, remove the skin and seeds and blend well. Add a little mayonnaise (beat together some extra-virgin olive oil, egg, salt and lemon) and beat to make a smooth paste. Add more mayonnaise if necessary.

    Cut the meat into 2 cm cubes and place in several bowls arranged around the table. Warm the grapeseed oil in the fondue pot and bring over to the table when hot. Dunk a small potato into the oil to stop the oil burning and add a sprig of rosemary for extra flavour. Arrange the sauces around the table, together with salt and pepper for guests to season their meat at will.

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