
Borges presents a dream team: walnut drink and sports

27 February 2018

Why is walnut drink the perfect team mate when doing sport? Whether you play team or individual sports or prefer to go for a run, hit the gym or dancefloor or go climbing or cycling whenever you can, walnut drink can give you a boost with all the nutrients you need. Read on to find out more about what makes walnut drink the perfect match for sport.

It’s packed with antioxidants

Antioxidants enter the blood flow and boost cell activity, as well as eliminating the free radicals created during sport.

It strengthens the heart

If there’s one nut that’s vital for a healthy heart it’s the walnut. Several scientific studies have shown how they help cut the risk of harm to the heart, a muscle that goes into overdrive whenever you do sport. Eating walnuts every day (and there are five in every glass of walnut drink), is key for protecting it. In addition, they help firm up internal artery walls, essential for proper blood flow.

It stimulates muscles

It contains phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and copper, minerals which activate muscles and help them contract and dilate better, make them more flexible and give them more energy.

It’s filling

Walnut drink is absorbed slowly, so you feel full for a good while after drinking it. A walnut drink smoothie with fruit or vegetables packs a powerful energy punch, meaning you won’t feel like snacking between meals.

It combats fatigue

Packed with group B vitamins, walnuts are great for combating fatigue and stress. It’s always a good idea to have some walnut drink to knock back during a break while doing exercise and regain the lost energy.

It’s rich in fibre

Fibre helps slow down the uptake of carbs, which makes walnuts an excellent source of long-term energy, thanks to their high glycemic index.

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